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Adonis 005



Adonis 005

Adonis tabletop planter system with app control manufactured by LumiAgro

 Key Features of Adonis 005

Smart control via mobile app (optional)
Smartphone app allows remote control of lights, fan, and water pump. Water pump indicator light flashes and push notifications are sent to the app when there is a water shortage, reminding users to add water.


Adjustable height:
The height is adjustable to cater to different growth stages and promote vegetable growth by helping them absorb light energy. The arm can reach up to 51.7cm


Two growth modes:
Two timing modes of 12 and 14 hours with growth spectrum formulas for growing leafy greens or fruiting vegetables.


Timed water pump switch:
The pump runs on a 30-minute cycle, with 15 minutes of running and 15 minutes of rest alternately.

Built-in circulating fan:
Lowers the temperature, promotes plant transpiration, provides timely CO supplementation, and enhances root nutrient absorption efficiency.


More yields:
The hydroponic machine can grow up to 12 plants simultaneously, achieving greater yields.





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